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The Stength of a nation is not determined by it's ability to wage war, but by it's ability to prevent it.

Gene Roddenberry

U.S. Military Chaplains Corps are Discriminatory. 8/8/06

Ever thought what it takes to be a Chaplain in the Military?

You must be there with the troops when they need you, not only on the homefront, but on the front lines. Chaplains in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force are a dedicatd and heroic group of Clergy.

Yet, you cannot be a Chaplain unless you believe in some version of the Biblical God, either Christian, Jewish or Muslem.

There are no Wiccan Chaplains, or Deist Chaplains or Atheist Chaplains. Why? Because they have not received the required education in Theology. At least not unless they deceived the educators and their classmats.

That's right, in order to complete a course of study to get the required degree in Theology you have to study the Bible. To do so, you must put up a front of belief that will exempt you from harasment and even expulsion should anybody find out you don't really beleive.

To be a chaplain, you must:

1. Possess a baccalaureate degree of not less than 120
semester hours.

2. Possess a master's degree in divinity or a graduate
degree in theological studies, which includes at
least 72 hours.

Those divinity and theological studies are the problem.

Where is a Wiccan, Deist or Atheist to get such an education? Let alone a Hindu or Mithralist.

What happens to all those members of the armed forces who do not believe? Or believe other than in the Bible God?

They shun sunday services and keep quiet about their faith or lack of faith.

Sometimes a Chaplain is the only person they can turn to.
But can a Christian Chaplain perform a Wiccan handfasting? Can a Christian Chaplain honestly perform a Wedding for an Atheist?

There is the Descrimination. Non Bible believing Clergy cannot be a chaplain. Non Bible believing military personnel don't have proper representation in the military Chaplains Corps.

You might just be supprised how many foxholes contain non believers. Who is there for them?

Blame it on religion. 2/9/2006

We hear the crazed actions of an individual is blamed on the violence in movies, TV and rock music. They are touted as being the major influences in crime today. Yet, all too often, it's none of these that influence murder or cruel, vengeful acts of violence. Believe it or not, Religion plays an important part in some of these events. Just look at what is happening in the Middle East this past week and today. Riots, Murder, Bombings, burnings and hate is rampant. All because of a drawing. In Massachusetts, USA, a teenager, Jacob D. Robida, 18, influenced by anti-gay teachings used a hatchet and gun wounding several and killing two. Also in the United States, churches are being burned in the south.

It's not a result of some Rock song singing about the events. It's hasn't been portrayed in movies or appeared on Television. It's been stirred up by Clerics. Fanatical clerics of Islam, Christianity, Neo-Nazi movements and who knows what else. The hate and violence has also been stirred up by politics. Red states vs. Blue States, Democrats vs. Republicans, Evolution vs. Intelligent Design, Public display of the Ten Commandments. Christian protestors at the funerals of gay people.

And the list goes on. Religion is the inspiration behind the hate, cruelty, murder, wars and more deaths than can be counted for the last 2000 years. The crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, the Salem Witch trials. The Puritan wars in England. The murder of the Knights Templar by the Catholic Church. And the list goes on. The bombing of abortion clinics, the abuse of children and more can be attributed to what someone heard a cleric say.

When will it stop? Never. As long as your religion teaches against the lifestyle of someone else. As long as it teaches that one action of one type of people is a sin. As long as it teaches that those not of your religion are doomed if they don't believe what you believe As long as your religion teaches you can be better or receive a better reward than those that don't believe what you believe, the hate, cruelty , murder and insanity of religion will go on and on.

Never ending in the name of GOD!


Additional articles and commentaries can be found on my other site,

Religion Today

A Sailor's Prayer

Author Unknown

Dear God,
Watch over her for me,
that she may safely guarded be.
Help her each lonely hour to bear,
as I would lord if I was there.

When she is sleeping watch her then,
that fear may not her dreams offend,
Be ever near her through the day,
let none, but goodness come her way.

Sweet faithful girl who waits for me,
beyond the wide and spacious sea.
Be merciful, O God, I pray,
take care of her while I'm away.

The Optimist Creed

Promise Yourself-

To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person
you meet.

To make all your friends feel that there is something in

To look at the sunny side of everything and make your
optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and
to expect only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as
you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the
greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every
living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that
you have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong
for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.


This came from the Optimist Club. Optimist International is recognized worldwide as an Organization of people committed to optimism and self-development for the improvement of youth and community.


The comentaries found on this page may contain informtion gathered from various sources including news papers, the internet, emails and conversations. I have acknowledged the authors when known will do so at the earliest posssible time if it brought to my attention that I havent. JC

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